f295 launch online pinhole photography gallery

Tom Persinger, administrator of the f295 Pinhole Photography and DIY Photography forums, writes:

f295 is pleased to present an online gallery of images from a few select members of the f295 community!

The gallery currently includes work from:

Eddie Aleo Jr.
Bruce Berrien
Joe Van Cleave
Daryl Duckworth
Nick Dvoracek
Chris Ellinger
Earl Johnson
Tom Persinger
Nick Shuval-Sergeev
Steven Taft
Ralph Young

Soon f295 will unveil a formal submission process for one to be considered to have their own space in the gallery.

The gallery may be found at f295.org/gallery

Brent Bennett photography at mooncruise* gallery, Vancouver, BC, CA

mooncruise* gallery announcement:

NEW WORK An art opening featuring the photography of BRENT BENNETT

mooncruise* gallery
235 Cambie Street (Gastown)
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Friday, April 21, 2006

Comprised of urban cityscapes and portraits, ‘New Work’ is a rare presentation from photographer BRENT BENNETT which highlights this talented and unique artist’s ability to capture the beauty of the bleak.

For more information contact mooncruise* gallery at 604.685.9575, or visit www.mooncruisegallery.com

Image gamma redirector (open source PHP)

This open source PHP script will choose from two different gamma-corrected images based on whether the page is being viewed from a Windows/*nix machine or a Mac. Macs generally have a target gamma of 1.8 while Windows and non-Apple *nix has a target of 2.2 or 2.4 (which usually nets out to about 2.2 in average lighting). The result is that images made on Macs look too dark on everything else and images made on everything else look too light on Macs. This script solves the problem by detecting which platform the browser is running on and automatically redirects the request to an appropriate gamma-corrected copy that you’ve prepared ahead of time.

This is free and open source software and is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

More info and download here in the Tools & Reference section.