Michael McCarthy landscape pinhole show, Paris, FR

Michael McCarthy will be exhibiting a collection of pinhole photographs entitled "from below" [preview at the artist’s site] in the Combes Gallery at the American University in Paris from January 18 through February 6, 2007. Selections from this project can be seen at Michael’s website, listed below.

"My photographic work has always been interested in issues of perception, analyzing the way we look at and see the world around us. Recently, this has led me to work with pinhole cameras. These lensless cameras which require exposure times ranging from several seconds to several minutes lead to a transformation of the known world around us into something which seems at once familiar and foreign…"

Continue reading at Pinhole Visions

Pinhole cameras seem to end up on the ground far too often, but you can tell that McCarthy did it on purpose, not just because he couldn’t find anyplace else to put the camera. This really is a beautiful series of landscapes from an unusual perspective and I wish I could see the real show. Rawk.