Jörg Colberg on artist statements

Jörg Colberg wrote an excellent piece on fine art photographers’ artist statements that I couldn’t possibly agree more with. It begins:

"It’s interesting (and a bit sad) that when you look at what is commonly called fine-art photography it always comes with a statement, which typically contains some sort of explanation or motivation for the photography. You never get to see something like ‘I just wanted to take some beautiful photos’…"

Continue reading, then read the follow-up.

Just going through his site, check out the rest of his blog, Conscientious, it’s quite good.

Via slowlight

Last chance to order Fujichrome Velvia 50

Fujifilm press release:

Fujifilm Professional has announced that the final shipment of Fujichrome Velvia 50 has now been received.

This means that once the stock held in the company’s warehouse has been sold there will be no more of the film available.

Fujifilm has been forced into ceasing production of Velvia 50 due to vital raw materials used in the production of the emulsion becoming unavailable.

Despite the withdrawal of Velvia 50, Fujifilm Professional remains committed to the continued production and promotion of professional film. This commitment is illustrated by the launch of three new professional films last year (Fujicolor Pro 160S, Pro 160C and Fujichrome Velvia 100) and there are already plans to launch a further two new professional films in 2006.

While Velvia 50 has traditionally been the favoured film for many photographers there has always been the demand for a film that offers high colour saturation but with higher speed and finer grain – Velvia 100 provides this.

22 51 days to Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day!

Just a reminder that Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day is only 22 51 (I am a tool, see comments) days away! If you want to participate, make sure you’ve got a camera built or bought in time by April 30, 2006!

See pinholeday.org for more info on the event. If you’d like to convert an existing camera or build one from scratch, the f295 Pinhole Photography Forum is an excellent resource.

There’s a long list of events and workshops happening, check out the list to see if there’s one near you.

Epson V700 Photo scanner review at photo-i

photo-i have begun an interactive review of the Epson V700 Photo scanner that was just announced at PMA. (An explanation of their [excellent] interactive review process is at the top of the page.)

If you’re wondering why I’m posting scanner news on a film/pinhole/toy/alt process/experimental blog, it’s because most of us need to scan our film if we want to make backups or color prints. While I don’t post anything that relates only to mass-market digital—not because I have some dogmatic beef against it, but because sources for that sort of news are good and plentiful—I will continue to post about items like this that may have relevance for those of the mad scientist-photographer bent.

Via PhotographyBLOG

Digital Lomo: hacking the Minitar lens onto an RD-1

The folks at Sushicam are working on putting the Lomo LC-A’s Minitar lens onto an Epson RD-1 digital rangefinder. As they point out, with the RD-1’s 1.5x crop factor, they’ll probably lose out on much of the vignetting, but there’s one way to find out!

I’ve long thought about adapting it for use on video cameras, perhaps using something like Media Chance‘s DoF Machine, and am quite curious to see what they get out of it.

Check out Part 1 and stay on the lookout for Part 2!

Via MAKE Blog

“StenEAUpe” pinhole photography show at Centre Culturel André Malraux, FR

The "StenEAUpe" exhibition features pinhole photography by Claude Cogny, Christophe Frot, Marie-Noëlle Leroy and Erick Mengual.

The show runs from 13 March–2 May, 2006, at Centre Culturel André Malraux, 10 Av. Francis de Pressense-93350 Le Bourget, FR.


Friday, 17 March, 2006, 7–9pm

Gallery hours

Monday to Friday: 9–12 and 2–6pm
Tuesday and Thursday: til 8pm
Saturday: 9am–12pm

More information at Actuphoto (en Français)

Via the Spitbite Pinhole Discussion List

Issue 27 of mooncruise* is up

Cover of mooncruise issue 27, February 2006

The February 2006 issue (27) of mooncruise*, an online magazine featuring photography and music by international artists, is now up and ready for viewing.

In this issue

PHOTOGRAPHY by: Denis Zimmermann, Gustav Almestål, Ivo Gretener, Jill Coleman, Jóse Moreira, Peter Gorman, Andrew Burlone, Olivia Barr, Samuel E Scott, Stephen Mallon, Warren Harold, and Trevor Brady

MUSIC by: Return to Mono

mooncruise.com (requires Flash 6)

Review and samples of Ilford’s new Harman Cool- and Warmtone print developers

Silverprint have done a quick review of Ilford‘s new Harman Cooltone and Warmtone B&W paper developers.

According to Silverprint, "Having now had a chance to lab test the new Ilford Warmtone and Coldtone developers, we can state categorically they are the most effective specialised print developers ever placed on the market."

Continue reading and see samples at Silverprint News.