The Daylesford Foto Biennale 07, which runs in June 2007 in New Zealand Australia, is calling for proposals from independent curators, photographers and photographic artists working in traditional and photo-based new media. Proposals are also invited for photographic workshops, seminar presentations and associated photographic events. Closing date for proposals is June 30th 2006. You can download proposal information and criteria from the website, or call the DFB office on +64 +61 [03] 5348 5703, or email to
Via GRINZ (With this rash of interesting stuff coming from them, you might be getting the idea that they rock. You would be correct.)
Hello over there.
Just writing to inform you that Daylesford is not in NZ. It’s a couple of thousand K’s west across the ditch in Central Victoria, Australia.
You have my most sincere apologies sir!
Please note that the country code was wrong, the correct telephone number is +61 [03] 5348 5703.