Some big news in instant film is apparently happening in about 3.1 hours, according to the PolaPremium web site, which for now teases us with a countdown timer and the text, "The New Home of Instant Photography".
It appears that there will be new instant films from, the folks who did SX-70 Blend, indicated both by the rumor mill, and the fact that their site is now just a link to PolaPremium, titled "Transfer in Progress…"
As someone who laments the loss of Polaroid integral films on a daily basis, I’m waiting with baited breath!
Check and the PolaPremium group on Flickr to see what happens.
Oh man…nothing new…yet (600 Softtone does not count)…holding my breath further would kill me.
I have never been let down by a countdown timer ending before…
I do not know what to think of the world now…
Hell, I pooped myself with excitement to finally be able to get some B&W 600. And i missed out on the Artistic TZ the first time around. So I’m happy!