Tin-foil-lined Holga

Ever wonder what happens when you line a Holga with aluminum foil? Me too!

I crinkled the crap out of it to hopefully get lots of light bouncing around in different directions, and lined the camera, shiny side out. The irregular vignette is because I wasn’t very careful about leaving the edges of the light path clear.


The Briggs in its natural shooting environment


I expected the lowered contrast, but was thinking I might get some random specular-type highlights. Nope. Of the whole roll, this is the only frame that had a visible artifact (the white wavy form near the top). But this does show that you can easily control the shape of your vignette, just take the back off and put some crap around the square hole you can see the shutter through.

If you care, this is Kodak T-Max 100 developed in Diafine.

Lightning activated camera shutter trigger

FC writes:

This circuit is used to trigger a camera’s electronic shutter circuit when a flash of lightning is present. This circuit would also work for photographing fireworks displays or other events involving flashes of light. In a nutshell, the photo darlington converts light pulses into electrical pulses, the first LM324 section amplifies the electrical pulses, the second LM324 section is a high pass filter that only passes quick changes (lightning). The third LM324 stage is a comparator that allows only large pulses to pass through, and the 4047 one-shot stretches out the length of the pulses so that they are long enough to drive the relay and trigger the camera.

Continue reading at SolOrb.com (includes schematic)

Via MAKE Blog

Razzledog’s prototype 4×5 SLR

Australian Polaroid-to-4×5-rangefinder camera modifier Razzledog built a prototype 4×5 SLR! He says:

I have long had dreams of building a 4×5 SLR……so this prototype is currently under review. The advantages are finally the image is right side up, so I no longer have to stand on my head….. I don’t have to worry about any parallax issues so I get perfect framing without fear of any cropping……and interchangable lenses are no problem. It has bellows so awesome macro is also permissible…

Continue reading and check out photos at Razzledog’s site.

Adventures in year-old DIY C-41 chemistry

See what happens when alspix—the man who brought us the now-legendary matchbox pinhole camera—processes film in year-old, over-used C-41 colour negative chemistry from a DIY kit. The results are surprising!

Read about it at Alspix Stuff.

He used this Nova C-41 kit, which is available in the UK. For those in the US, check out the variable time, variable temperature Arista quart and gallon C-41 kits, as well as pint, quart, and gallon E-6 (slide/positive/reversal) kits from Freestyle Photo.