DIY bendy mount-anywhere tripod

DIY bendy tripod by Instructables member theRIAA

Here’s a DIY version of the GorillaPod, a portable, flexible tripod. The GorillaPod is expensive and not very stable, even with a small pocket digicam. Hopefully this will get the same or better stability for way less money. Looks like it should at least be able to hold your standard lightweight piece-of-shit plastic toy camera or converted pinhole.

Read instructions at Instructables

See also: Monkey Arm flexible tripod from Munkey Film

Via MAKE Blog via Lifehacker

The Monkey Arm: DIY flexible clamp tripod

I truly detest carrying around a tripod unless I know I’m going to need it. However, I do find myself needing an extra level of stability quite often. To solve the problem I threw together this, The Monkey Arm. The Monkey Arm consists of a length of Locline with a clamp epoxied on one end and a quarter twenty screw on the other. Locline is a modular hose system used predominantly in salt water aquarium tanks.

Read instructions at Munkey Film

Via MAKE Blog