Blueeyes Magazine issue 18 is up

Issue 18 of online documentary photography Blueeyes Magazine is up!

They write:

We’re happy to announce the next issue of Blueeyes, Issue 18, as well as some great additional features we’ve been rolling out this year, including our Document and First Look features.

Issue 18 features two essays by photographers Travis Dove and Chris Crisman, whose work brings us personal documents of two very different cultures from two vastly different eras of American history. From rural Ohio, Dove captures the spirit and chaos of a counter culture skater’s paradise, while just 300 miles down the road in Titusville, Crisman uses highly stylized portraits to dig into the nation’s and his own family’s history in steel country.

Additionally, the latest installment of our Portfolio series features NYC-based photographer Jacob Silberberg and our new First Look, by Brian Finke, previews images from his book Flight Attendants.

Finally, make sure to check out the first in a two part conversation about the UK editorial market between Andrew Hetherington and Chris Floyd in our Document section. The second part will be published in the next month; stay tuned.

Have a look:

Skate Rats – Travis Dove

Chris Crisman – Titusville Steel

Portfolio – Jacob Silberberg

First Look – Brian Finke

Document – London Calling: Remix

They’re also looking for volunteer web developers (multimedia editor, Flash developer, PHP/front-end developer) to build new features, with an expected work load of 5 hours/week. Contact chris at blueeyesmagazine dot com if you’re interested!