"Lightleaks" toy camera photography show, Melbourne, AU

Australian photographer/neuroscientist Hamish Innes-Brown writes:

Me and 11 other people (some from this Flickr – fotojux, mikelefevre, artpunk, maybe others?) are in a show that opens this Thursday night called LIGHTLEAKS [not the magazine]. It is called this as all the images are shot on dodgey crappy cameras with useless lenses and hideous light leaks. Sound good? Come along, they’re all for sale!

The show runs 23 February – 8 March, 2007, at Kerala Gallery, 283 High St., Northcote, Melbourne, AU.

Opening at 6:30pm 23 Feb, be there!

Anti-photo hysteria spreads to Oz

Prime Minister John Howard says a ban on taking photographs at a shopping complex in Melbourne is over the top.

Melbourne’s Southgate complex has banned people taking photos as part of heightened security measures.

Ms Peck acknowledges that some may say it is a win for those who wish to curb Australia’s freedom but believes the policy is justified.

The article does quote sane people as well:

Liberty Victoria’s president, barrister Brian Walter, says the centre’s concerns about terrorism are unjustified.

"What a load of rubbish. Give us one example in Australia where taking of photography has led to a terrorist attack," he said.

"There’s just none and people take a lot of photos every day, and to suggest that you can somehow make that link in a rational way is absurd," he said.

Continue reading at ABC News Australia.

Via dessabel