Wet plate collodion workshops with Will Dunniway

Students will learn the making of ambrotypes (glass direct positives) and tintypes. (Ferrotypes, tin plate direct positives) Students are guided through the process step-by-step from the mixing, pouring, exposing and development of plates poured with wet collodion. The newest edition now is 4 color of the manual, Making the Wet Collodion Plate in 16 Steps manual by Will Dunniway is included along with all materials in the course fee. Students will use a period 1860 field camera with 1860-70 lenses. Workshop features 2 days of intensive hands-on training in the making of ambrotypes, ferrotypes (tintypes), and glass plate negatives. Each student will make and take home a self-portrait/still life tintype/ambrotypes. All materials and equipment provided.

The 4 day workshops include a day shooting with a Brownie type box camera that you keep. Intensifying glass negatives and printing from these negatives with salt paper.

SPRING Wet Plate collodion Workshop
April 14–15, 2007, Corona, California
write: silverandsun@mac.com

Photographer Formulary Workshop on Collodion Photography
July 22–27, 2007, Condon, Montana
See photoformulary.com to register

Historic Eastfield Village, N.Y. Wet Plate Collodion Workshop
August 13–16, 2007, Nassau, New York (near Albany, NY)

with Claude Levet assisting. (Tentative, see here to register)

FALL Wet Plate Collodion Workshop
October 6-7, Corona, California
write: silverandsun@mac.com