Print swapping project launched

Sven Hafner is starting an international photographic fine print swap. He writes:

Hi everyone!

I want to invite you to join ThePrintSwap project. Do you like to see real prints of other photographers ? You can go to exhibitions, you can buy prints and books… Why dont exchange prints ? The idea is not really new but we revitalize it here with the tools of the internet.

This is a complete non-commercial project as platform to pair photographers from all over the world every 2–3 months to exchange fine prints.

The idea is not to send trash images (sorry for being so direct) to someone else, you process the image and print in a way as if you would sell it to someone and your (random) partner can appreciate your art skills and craft. Please read more at

We are still in the startup phase and gathering photographers (around 20 joined at the time I write this).

Check it out at