Contact photography show at Outrageous Look, NYC

Outrageous Look press release:

BROOKE WILLIAMS says that her work "is intensely personal and always involves using the photographs to make some kind of record of an experience, to try and make memories more permanent. I was never that good at keeping journals, but I do have a photographic record of experiences I’ve had, glasses of OJ I’ve consumed, shoes I’ve owned, cars I’ve driven, etc. This piece, then, can be seen as a visual diary of the various people with whom I’ve come in contact over the past several years. And they range from my closest friends, to colleagues I work with, to the UPS man… The one underlying principle—the only hard and fast rule of the piece besides the format (833 SX70 Polaroids)—is that I have had some kind of interaction or experience with the people that belong to the hands in the photos."

Freud uses the term "isolationism" to refer to the way the thinking mind interferes with the "possibility of successful contact." Williams sees this project as a "way of visually battling my own ego"—hoping to become enriched by the process of forgetting the self in the endless repetitive con- templation of the other. Brooke Williams lives and works in Williamsburg.

TOM BURKE‘s lyrical black & white photographs show us the sublime aspect of everyday objects and places. He lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.

In one of the two pieces by SACHAR MATHIAS, a sculptural transcription of a melody becomes an instrument of its own, while the other offers us a different mode of musical performance. She lives and works in Williamsburg.

The show runs through 17 August, 2006 at Outrageous Look, 103 Broadway, Ground Floor Brooklyn, NY 11211 (J, M, or Z to March or L to Bedford). Gallery hours are Thursday–Monday, 12–6 pm.

I’ve been following Tom Burke’s work on Flickr for a while. I usually stare, drool, try to think of something coherent to say about it, fail, and try to pick my jaw up off the floor. So, you know, I think it’s, like, really good. Check it out.

Glazer’s Camera pinhole/Holga photo competition

Paul Beard of A Crank’s Progress blog writes:

You’d think they might mention it on their website, but alas, no.

Anyway, they’re running a contest from July 1 to August 12 [2006]. Any Holga or pinhole images is acceptable (need not be a modded Holga—not that that stopped me from grabbing one of their kits: $25 for a Holga, 2 rolls of film, and a few feet of gaffer tape on a 120 spool).

Call Brent @ 206 624 1100 for more info.

Via the f295 Pinhole Forum

Nancy Breslin’s pinhole photography in group show

Check out this summer group show of contemporary art, "Dwell, Bond, Connect", including pinhole photography by Nancy Breslin.

The show runs Saturday, 15 July through Saturday, August 19, 2006 at Gallery Imperato, 921 E. Fort Avenue, Suite 120, Baltimore, MD, US.

The gallery is open Tues–Thurs 11–7; Fri–Sat 11–9; Sun 1–7.

Opening reception on Saturday, 15 July, 2006 at 6:00 pm.

For more information, see the gallery’s Web site,

Via Pinhole Visions

Cost of US copyright registration increasing

The cost of registering copyright goes up July 1, 2006, the U.S. Copyright Office has announced on their Web site.

Registering a single photograph or groups of photographs goes up $15 USD to the new price of $45 USD. Renewing a copyright without an addendum increases from $60 to $75, and renewing a copyright with an addendum goes up from $30 to $220.

Continue reading summary at the National Press Photographers Association

New rate schedule at the US Copyright Office

Via Utata

Laura A. Watt’s "Natural Forms" photgraphy show

Flyer for Laura A. Watt's Natural Forms show

Don’t miss the Natural Forms show by one of my favorite Flickr photographers, Laura A. Watt’s. Her work is beautiful, subtle, and will take you someplace else if you let it. If you’re going to be in the Berkeley area this August, make a point of going!

Water, leaves, and other natural forms come together in Laura A. Watt’s Photos, straddling a fine line between straight representation and abstraction. Her fascination with curcing wave-shapes and subtle tones spans from vast skyscapes to tiny botanicals, with water flowing throughout.

The show runs at The Claremont Club, 41 Tunnel Rd., Berkeley, CA, US from 1–30 August, 2006.

Abandoned After Dark night photography show, Alameda, CA, US

Abandoned After Dark show flyer

Joe Reifer writes:

If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, check it out! Featuring the work of fetching ("Tickets" – lower left), broken obelisk ("Time Machine" – lower right), lensflare ("Countdown Quonset" – upper right), and yours truly, guacamole airlines ("Third Floor Looking Out" – upper left).

The show is from 7–31 July, 2006, at Lucky Ju Ju Pinball Gallery, 713 Santa Clara Ave Alameda, CA, US. Opening reception on Friday, 7 July, 2006, 7–10pm.

Cynthia Meadows’ "Mass.Romantic" photography show, NY, US

Cynthia Meadows' Mass Romantic show flyer

Mass.Romantic, Cynthia Meadows‘ debut show of color photographs, opens at the Kingston Museum of Contemporary Art on Saturday June 3, 2006, and remains on view through June 28.

An opening reception will be held on the evening of June 3, from 5 to 7 pm, at KMOCA, 105 Abeel Street, Kingston, NY, US. In the gallery after the opening, it’s time to dance! Come celebrate life with Kandykorn and her friend Erica, aka DJ Meow Mix.

Via Mr. Andrew Long

Pinhole Photography Public Art Project workshop, Columbia, SC, US

Have fun exploring the earliest form of photography by building your own camera. In this workshop participants build their own pinhole cameras and make exposures and prints. The workshop covers the history of photography and a variety of techniques for using pinhole photography.

Where: Columbia Museum of Art, The Art School
corner of Main and Hampton streets
Columbia, South Carolina, US

When: Sunday, 4 June, 2006, 1:00–4:30pm

Instructor: Grant Jackson

How much: $95 / $75 museum members. All supplies included.

Contact:, lpierce AT columbiamuseum DOT org, 803.343.2208

Via Pinhole Visions

Toxic Shots photo and music show, Austin, TX, US

Toxic Shots flier

"Yowzas! Busted cameras and broken teeth. A photo exhibit of action shots from the underground. Like looking backward through a telescope."

Photography by Chris Anderson, Jack Barfield, Brett Bays, Sherry Cardino, Paul Gigliotti, David Hyde, Dan Machold, Chrissy Piper, Lisa Roebuck, Chris Pfeffer, and Katherine Strickland.

The show runs 14–20 May, 2006 at End of an Ear, 2209 South First St., Austin, TX, US.

Opening reception Wednesday, 17 May, 2006 (with DJs and refreshments 6–8 pm), the night before Chaos in Tejas fest. Live music by Storm the Tower.