Sign up for Strobist’s online lighting boot camp

Strobist have just started a virtual boot camp for anyone interested in improving their lighting skills:

The main point of SBC is to nudge those photographers out there who have not made the transition to actually trying this lighting stuff out to make the jump. Secondarily, we will hopefully all get a chance to see what many different photogs – from all around the world – do with the exact same assignments. You’ll also be able to ask "how’d you do that?" questions to your fellow photographers. Using Flickr, we will effectively become a virtual classroom.

Sign up and read the rules at Strobist

Via PhotographyBLOG

Ilford announce UK photo student B&W masterclasses

Ilford Photo press release:

ILFORD Photo is providing unique opportunities for students of photography to learn their skills from masters of the art via a programme of Masterclass workshops at colleges throughout the UK. Underlining ILFORD Photo’s commitment to the long-term development of black-and-white photography, the company is a strong supporter of students studying photography-related subjects.

ILFORD Photo recognises that as today’s students work their way through the fundamentals of pure photography, they are laying the basis for tomorrow’s world of imaging. As such, the company believes it is imperative that the basis of film-based image capture, processing and printing continues to provide the foundation for all elements of photography, including digital, to ensure that the human element in the creative process is encouraged and nurtured to its maximum. To this end, ILFORD Photo sponsors a series of Masterclass workshops at various UK colleges and universities which offer photography courses. From Newcastle to Fareham, from Blackpool to Cambridge and London, and all points in between, in excess of 80 Masterclasses will be held throughout 2006. They are led by world-class professional printer/photographers who share their own knowledge, experience and talents to provide students with the best possible grounding for their studies.

More info here at

Via PhotographyBLOG

Pinhole/zone plate workshop with Scott McMahon

The Controlled Light Leak: Beyond the Oatmeal Container with Scott McMahon

August 4-8 (5 day)

Learn new methods of pinhole imaging, camera design and concept. Participants will investigate the different principles of pinhole and construct and then photograph with their own camera creations. We will experiment with and even make our own zone plates (a distant relative of pinhole), retrofit existing cameras, 35mm, medium and large format, Holga, even digital pinhole apertures. We will also explore slit imaging and multiple pinholes in this 5-day lens-free extravaganza.
Beginner to advanced.

Scott McMahon received his MFA from Massachusetts College of Art in Boston and BFA from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia where he is currently teaching Non-Silver Printmaking. Scott also teaches photography at the University of Pennsylvania and is former Department Head of Photography at Peters Valley. His work has been published in Pinhole Photography, Rediscovering a Historic Technique by Eric Renner, The Book of Alternative Photographic Process by Christopher James as well as Pinhole Journal Vol. 11#1, Vol. 12 #1, and Vol. 15 #2. Scott has exhibited throughout the United States in many group and solo exhibitions.

Tuition: $425
Lab Fee: $50

Please contact Andy Schmitt – aschmitt AT aandy DOT org
Peters Valley Craft Center
19 Kuhn Rd
Layton, NJ 07851

This years Photography concept is "From Dag’s to Digital"

Please check it out at

Via the f295 Pinhole Forum